The mutterings of a half-mad Canuck who (sometimes) writes stuff

Category: Projects

Something Nifty This Way Waddles

I’ve been chipping away lately at several aspects of a number of inter-related projects that, collectively, make up one doozy of a major endeavor and I thought it might be fun to update both of you on what those projects are and how they inter-relate. Or something to that effect.

I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned it here previously or not, but I’m taking a deep dive in to world building. At the moment I’m building out the world for my Bloodlines novel – 1885 alternate-timeline Victorian London with monsters and magic. It’s called Lunden, and I’m having a glorious time fleshing out my map and deciding which things should be historically accurate, which things totally unique, and which things somewhere in the middle.

This worldbuilding project is happening on World Anvil, and will include a bunch of tools to help other writers write stories in my world, as well as materials for TTRPG players and DMs to run campaigns in good ol’ Lunden. I’ll eventually have stuff for Pathfinder (d20), Open d6, and FATE role-playing systems.

The reason I’m doing all this world-building work is partly to help me with my writing, but also so that I can offer access to it via my Patreon, which I’m currently in the process of setting up. In an ideal world, I’ll get enough financial support from my patrons that I can really focus on writing and other creative things.

In order to promote the Patreon (and my work in general), I’ve also started streaming again (or will have done by the time you read this). I’ll be on Kick and on Twitch, as well as on YouTube live (I think – I haven’t gotten that working yet).

I tried streaming some world building sessions here and there over the past few weeks, but I wasn’t happy with how that worked out. I really need deep concentration for world building in a way that I don’t need as much for writing. When I’m writing I can dip in and out without losing too much momentum, but for world building I really can’t work that way. I’m also (and this is probably a more important issue) bouncing around between multiple windows and so forth much more when world building than when I’m writing, and that makes it awkward to live stream. So I think I’ll stick to writing live streams and leave the world building stuff to when I’m all by my lonesome.

And on the topic of writing, I have a new writing project that I’ve just started actively working on (plotting and story structure stuff) today.

I had initially planned to write a series of more-or-less unconnected short stories set in Lunden as a way of exploring the world and establishing the look and feel of the place. I have forty or so loosey-goosey plot outlines locked and loaded, ready to go. I spent weeks organizing and tidying them up. So naturally I’ve decided to do something completely sideways to all of that and I’ll be writing an interactive novel (or novella – I’m still not at all sure how long it’s going to be) that has nothing to do with any of the aforementioned short story plot outlines.

The plan at the moment is to write four separate versions of the story, each allowing the reader to “play” a different main character who is navigating the same general set of events. My plan is to publish each of the versions separately, and then to combine them into one mahooosive omnibus version where the reader can choose which character to play at the beginning. I’ll be using Twine to write and publish the stories, and hopefully will be able to publish them in a few places. I’m even going to look at how I might package them up for the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

So yeah, that’s what I’m up to these days. Big things are starting to happen and I can only hope that I’ll be able to keep a good head of steam going on all of these moving parts. I’ll try to keep you all up to date on my progress as I progress.

Free (as in beer) Book! (Beer Not Included)

Hey, did you know that Soul of the Universe is currently available for free? That’s right! From the morning of September 2nd until midnight on September 6th (Pacific Standard Time) Soul of the universe is free in the Kindle store.

If you are in the UK go to

If you are in the US go to

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Soul of the Universe was the first book the Anthology Club ever published. It’s a collection of six stories by four authors. All the stories are inspired by a particular piece of music, and they span all the genres under the sun, from western to sci-fi to eye-leaking sentimentality. Here’s the cover:SotU300logo

This book is one of the things I’m most proud of having been involved in. If you haven’t read it, go get it while it’s free (and then buy one or two of the other books I’ve published – the links are in the back).

Human 76 is Now a Thing

Cover for Human 76A large part of the reason I’ve been pushing myself to get the site re-design done over the last few days is because I knew this beautiful thing was going to be ready this week and I wanted to be able to tell people about it.

Human 76 started as a family photo shoot with a twist – you can read about the projects origins here – and quickly became another in a growing list of rewarding and fulfilling projects undertaken by one of the wonderfullest groups of people on the planet. Michael Wombat did a wonderful write-up on the development from “wouldn’t it be neat” to finished book, which is only fitting as he was (as usual) the driving force that got the whole thing done.

The book contains 15 stories from 14 authors (myself included) each of which connects to the others in ways none of us could have foreseen when we started. It’s a shared-world, linked-storied, post-apocalyptic anthology, about a young woman on a journey to find and rescue her sister. It’ s suitable for a PG-13 audience, and it is very, very good.

It will be a free e-book for a few weeks (I’ll post a link as soon as it goes up) and is available now as a luxurious, creamy-smooth, reasonably-priced luxury paperback through All monies from both versions will go to Water is Life, a charity whose mission speaks loudly to all of the people involved in making this book, and whose mission couldn’t be a better fit, thematically, for the stories we wrote.

I encourage everyone to get a copy, and to read it, and to tell me what you think.

And then read it again.

Before you go!

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