The problem with maintaining a blog, at least for me, is consistently having something to write about. Not even having something interesting to write about – just having anything at all to write.
I’ve toyed with a few ideas over the years but, as you can see from my backlog of posts, nothing has really stuck.
Then, last night, my wife and I sat down to start watching a new TV series. Well, new to us, anyway. Now that Game of Thrones is finished, we were looking for something to watch. We want something interesting, well-written, well-acted and that has several seasons available so that we can watch our one episode a night for a long time.
We have just started watching Breaking Bad.
And it occured to me that I might finally have something I can write regularly about, at least for a while.
So, I dusted off the ol’ blog here, deleted the thousands of spam comments awaiting the approval they were never going to receive, boggled at the fact that my last post was 2 years ago, and here we are.
We’ll watch one episode a night, most nights, and when we do I will write a little blog post about the episode. If you are like me and never got around to watching the show, you can watch along with me. That will be fun.
If you have watched it before, it was probably a long time ago – you could watch it again. That will also be fun.
**full disclosure, I’m not completely in the dark about the show. I know things don’t end well for Walter White, and I know about some of the more memorable plot points having heard the odd comment from people, and having watched the several Mythbusters Breaking Bad specials. I’ve also written this post having already watched the first episode last night and, holy shit am I looking forward to the rest of the show.
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